The Basics Of Using Cement Waterproofing Paint

The idea of cement waterproofing paint is something of a misnomer. While you want to choose a good waterproofing material for the cement surfaces of your home, most cement waterproofing materials can be treated to be different colors.

While it might be tempting to try to solve your home’s moisture problems with a simple coat of cement waterproofing paint, doing so will ultimately cost you more money. This is because the paint only takes care of the damage being done to the surface of your home. It doesn’t do a lot to keep the moisture from entering your home in the first place.

Many people seem to think that unless they live in areas prone to inclement weather, waterproofing the outside of a home or the foundation is merely an option. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! Whether or not you live in an area prone to heavy rain or snow falls, there will always be water in the ground. While rain and snow are prone to the laws of gravity (falling downward), ground water is not. Ground water travels horizontally through the earth which means that a home built in an arid area is just as prone to water damage as a home built in a wet area.

Start the waterproofing the right way — with your foundation. Make sure that your contractors have experience in external waterproofing when putting in your foundation and basement and make sure that they give the foundation enough time to reach its full strength (a little more than a month) before they start backfilling it. You will want to make sure that your foundation and basement have external drain tiles and that there is at least three feet of large gravel surrounding your foundation and basement to encourage ground water to move around your home instead of straight into it.

Of course, water damage can be caused within the home and it is often the basement that suffers. This is where the cement waterproofing paint looks like such a good idea. Before you apply the paint, however, make sure that your walls have had the proper concrete waterproofing put in place. A lot of times, the application of the concrete waterproofing materials can be used instead of the paint, which will save you money.

Of course, using cement waterproofing paint can’t hurt your home. Make sure that your cement surfaces have been properly cleaned and that any repairs that needed to be made to the cement has been done. Then, follow the directions on the brand of waterproofing paint that you have chosen. Make sure you read these directions carefully and apply the paint exactly as directed. If you try to cut corners or do things your own way, you could end up costing yourself a lot of money in expensive repairs later on.

It is vitally important that your home be waterproofed. Even cement, something that looks like it could stand up to anything needs waterproofing. This is where cement waterproofing paint can be a valuable asset to have on hand.